Ttl Serial Camera Arduino

  • Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits TTL Serial JPEG Camera with NTSC Video: ID 397 - This camera module can be a pretty neat project addition. It was designed to be used in security systems and does two main things - it outputs NTSC video and can take snapshots of that video (in color) and transmit them over the TTL serial link.
  • The ESP32-CAM is a small camera module with the ESP32-S chip that costs approximately $10. Besides the OV2640 camera, and several GPIOs to connect peripherals, it also features a microSD card slot that can be useful to store images taken with the camera or to store files to serve to clients. Subscribe to my youtube chan nel. Follow me on instagram.
  • To use the Comm Tool, a windows utility, we need to set up a serial link to the camera. There's two ways we suggest doing this. One is to use something like an FTDI friend or other USB/TTL serial converter. If you have an Arduino you can 'hijack' the serial chip (FTDI chip or similar) by uploading a blank sketch to the Arduino: // empty sketch.
  1. Ttl Serial Camera Arduino
  2. Ttl Serial Camera Arduino Uno De C
  3. Ttl Serial Camera Arduino Tutorial
  4. Ttl Serial Camera Arduino Download

If you have an adafruit TTL Serial JPEG Camera you may have found that downloading an uncompressed 640×480 JPEG from the camera can take up to 15 seconds. Depending on your application this might be far too long!

Connecting a TTL serial camera to Arduino and saving pictures to a micro SD Here we have the schema, with the connections of the micro SD card with the TTL serial camera; I use a camera model from Adafruit. Apr 18, 2019 To connect the MAX485 TTL to RS-485 Converted Module to Raspberry Pi the following UART pins of Pi is used (GPIO14, GPIO15). Connecting RS-485 Module with Arduino UNO. To connect the MAX485 TTL to RS-485 Converter Module to Arduino UNO the following UART pins of UNO is used (0,1). Circuit Connection between one RS-485 and Raspberry Pi 3 B+.

To speed things up a bit you can add compression to the image. Adding up to 40% can decrease the download time for a picture to about 5 seconds but at the same time you have to sacrifice picture quality.

So how else can you speed up the transfer? How about upping the transfer speed!

The camera by default uses 38400 baud but it is capable of much more than this. The question though is how to change the settings?

The Arduino Uno can do up to 115200 baud so it seems like a good idea to me to set the camera to the same speed. This should improve the download times by a fair bit more. (At the present time I haven’t been able to test by how much.)

So how do you get the camera to run at this faster speed? adafruit provide a library for the Arduino that provides functions for virtually all the things you might want to use on the camera. Unfortunately, at present there isn’t a function for changing the baud. After doing a lot of hunting around the interwebs I found there were quite a few people wanting to change the baud but no answer on how to do it. I put my thinking hat on and after a few hours of experimenting I came up with the following test code…

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>


SoftwareSerial softSerial(2, 3); //Set Software serial to use Pins 2 and 3

char serInStr[100];
int serInIdx =0;
int serOutIdx =0;

Ttl Serial Camera Arduino

void setup() {

Serial.begin(9600); //Set Hardware Serial to 9600 baud - For outputting debug messages
softSerial.begin(38400); //Set Software serial to 38400 baud - Default setting for the camera
Serial.println('Softserial Baud has been set to 38400');
delay(10); //Pause for 10ms to let it all settle down. Probably not needed!

Serial.println('Get Camera Version');
getCamVers(); //Call getCamVers function

Serial.println('Setting Camera Baud to 115200');
setBaudMax(); //Call setBaudMax function

Serial.println('Reset softSerial to 115200');
softSerial.end(); //Disconnect serial connection to camera
softSerial.begin(115200); //Reconnect serial connection to camera at 115200 baud

Serial.println('Get Camera Version again using 115200');
getCamVers(); //Check camera version again to prove everything is working at 115200


void loop() {
//Do nothing

void getCamVers() {

uint8_t ByteData[5]={0x56, 0x00, 0x11, 0x00}; //String of bytes that requests version number from camera
softSerial.write(ByteData,5); //Send string to camera

delay(10); //Pause to let the camera deal with the request

if(softSerial.available()){ //Check if serial buffer has a response from camera
while(softSerial.available()){ //Loop as long as the serial buffer contains data
serInStr[serInIdx] =; //Read data from serial buffer. Copy into array
serInIdx++; //Increase array count by 1

for(serOutIdx=0; serOutIdx < serInIdx; serOutIdx++) { //Loop through array
Serial.print(serInStr[serOutIdx]); //Print each value in array to consol
Serial.println(); //Print end of line

Ttl Serial Camera Arduino Uno De C


void setBaudMax() {

uint8_t ByteData[7]={0x56, 0x00, 0x24, 0x03, 0x01, 0x0D, 0xA6}; //String that sets baud to 115200
softSerial.write(ByteData,7); //Send string to camera

//Should really check for a suitable response here!


This tutorial shows how to make Adafruit’s CMOS camera work with an Arduino Uno (or equivalent) and write JPEG images to a microSD card. Note that I am using Linux Mint 17.1 operating system. I am using Arduino IDE 1.6.8. Much of the information comes from Adafruit’s tutorial: https://learn.adafruit.Ym/ttl-serial-camera?view=all Adafruit uses a Duemilanove board in their examples, instead of an Arduino Uno.

Parts list:

  • 1 Arduino-compatible CMOS digital camera from Adafruit:
  • 2 10k ohm resistors (these come with the CMOS camera)
  • 1 Sparkfun Redboard (equivalent to Arduino Uno) from Sparkfun:
  • 1 Sparkfun microSD card shield:
  • Solderable headers for microSD card shield
  • 1 microSD card
  • 22 gauge wire or similar
  • solder/soldering iron/sponge
  • cable to connect Redboard to USB port on computer (USB to miniB)

Step 1 – Solder headers onto microSD card shield. The headers go in the outermost set of holes. This allows the shield to plug directly into the pins of an Arudino Uno, or its equivalent, Sparkfun’s Redboard.

Step 2 – Solder wires onto the CMOS camera (Adafruit calls it the TTL Serial Camera, I mean the same thing). By convention, I soldered red wire to 5V, black wire to GND. I chose gray wire for TX and yellow wire for RX. (Note that these colors are slightly different from the ones Adafruit shows in their examples.) Just to be very clear, in my images:

  • Red = 5V
  • Black = GND
  • Gray = TX
  • Yellow = RX

Step 3 – Attach the microSD shield to the Arduino Uno.

Step 4 – Connect the camera to the microSD card shield.

Ttl Serial Camera Arduino Tutorial

  • From camera –> into shield
  • 5v wire (red) into 5V on shield
  • GND wire (black) into GND on shield
  • TX wire (gray) into digital pin 2 on shield
  • RX wire (yellow) through 1 10k ohm resistor to digital pin 3 on shield AND through another 10k ohm resistor to GND. I wired mine through a breadboard: from GND on Arduino to GND row on breadboard. Plug one end of resistor into GND row on breadboard, plug the other end into a separate row. Connect RX from camera into this separate row. Plug one end of a second 10 ohm resistor into this same row with RX and the other resistor. Plug the other end of the 2nd resistor into a different unconnected row. Into this final row, connect digital pin 3 from the Arduino.

Step 5 – Insert a microSD card into microSD card shield

Step 6 – Download the zip file here: (I deleted the “master” from the name) Put this library into your Arduino libraries folder. On Linux mint it would be at: /home/username/Arduino/libraries/Adafruit-VC0706-Serial-Camera-Library This code specifies the digital pins used (look for SoftwareSerial cameraconnection = SoftwareSerial(2, 3); in code). By default, it is pins 2 and 3. If you want to wire to other digital pins, just change the code to reflect this.

Ttl Serial Camera Arduino Download

Note that if you put your code in /home/username/Arduino/Adafruit-VC0706-Serial-Camera-Library (NOT in the /libraries subfolder) then you will also have to drag and drop copies of “Adafruit_VC0706.cpp” and “Adafruit_VC0706.h” into the same folder as Snapshot.ino and also into the same folder as MotionDetect.ino. This may be something specific to Linux Mint. When they are in /libraries the Arduino IDE can find the .h and .cpp files. When they are NOT in /libraries, the IDE can’t find the .h and .cpp unless they are in the exact same folder as the .ino, essentially they show up as tabs on the .ino file.

Step 7The code you just downloaded also requires the libraries SPI and SD. These are included in IDE 1.6.8. I also had to make the following change, which may be specific to Linux Mint. The original Adafruit codes have

  • Original code looks like: #include<Adafruit_VC0706.h>
  • Change it to: #include “Adafruit_VC0706.h”
  • Original code has: #define chipSelect 10
  • Change it to #define chipSelect 8 // this is for the Sparkfun SD shield

Step 8 – Plug your Arduino into USB port on your computer. In Arduino IDE, open the “Snapshot” code. Select the correct board and correct port. Click upload to send the code to the Arduino Uno (or equivalent board).

Example Image:

Note that it takes several seconds for images to upload to the microSD card. When it is finished, your Serial monitor will look like this:

I changed the Serial.print messages in my code slightly, to give a specific warning not to unplug as soon as it says “Picture taken!” With my modified code, the Serial monitor looks like this: