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Download EViews 8.1 Enterprise Edition Full Crack. EViews 8.1 Enterprise Edition Full Crack we present to you all as statistical and forecasting models and simulations. EViews is powerful analytics software that’s used to access and analyze the latest economic data. Eviews 8 Free Download With Downloader Torrent had been backuped as eviews-8-free-download-with-crack-torrent. High Mac Internet connection Wi-Fi, 4G. Eviews 8 software, free download - Gretl 1.7.1.
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- EViews 8 offers a extensive array of powerful features for data handling, statistics and econometric analysis, forecasting and simulation, data presentation, and programming. While we can't possibly list everything, the following list offers a glimpse at the important EViews features:
- Numeric, alphanumeric (string), and date series; value labels.
- Extensive library of operators and statistical, mathematical, date andstring functions.
- Powerful language for expression handling and transforming existing data using operators and functions.
- Samplesand sample objects facilitate processing on subsets of data.
- Supportfor complex data structures including regular dated data, irregular dated data, cross-section data with observation identifiers, dated, and undated panel data.
- EViews native, disk-based databases provide powerful query features and integration with EViews workfiles.
- Convert data between EViews and various spreadsheet, statistical, and database formats, including (but not limited to): Microsoft Access® and Excel® files (including .XSLXand .XLSM), Gauss
- Dataset files, SAS® Transport files, SPSS native and portable files, Stata
- files, raw formatted ASCII text or binary files, HTML, or ODBC databases
- and queries (ODBC support is provided only in the Enterprise Edition).
- OLE support for linking EViews output, including tables and graphs, to other packages, including Microsoft Excel®, Word® and Powerpoint®.
- OLEDB support for reading EViews workfiles and databases using OLEDB-aware clients or custom programs.
- Supportfor FRED® (Federal Reserve Economic Data) databases. Enterprise Edition support forGlobal Insight DRIPro and DRIBase, Haver Analytics® DLX®, FAME, EcoWin, Datastream, FactSet, and Moody’s Economy.com databases.
- The EViews Microsoft Excel® Add-in allows you to link or import data from EViews workfiles and databases from within Excel.
- Drag-and-drop support for reading data; simply drop files into EViews for automatic conversion of foreign data into EViews workfile format.
- Powerful tools for creating new workfile pages from values and dates in existing series.
- Match merge, join, append, subset, resize, sort, and reshape (stack and unstack) workfiles.
- Easy-to-use automatic frequency conversion when copying or linking data between pages of different frequency.
- Frequency conversion and match merging support dynamic updating whenever underlying data change.
- Auto-updating formula series that are automatically recalculated whenever underlying data change.
- Easy-to-use frequency conversion, simply copy or link data between pages of different frequency.
- Toolsfor resampling and random number generation for simulation. Random number generation for18 different distribution functions using three different random number generators.
- Time Series Data Handling
- Integrated support for handling dates and time series data (both regular and irregular).
- Supportfor common regular frequency data (Annual, Semi-annual, Quarterly, Monthly, Bimonthly, Fortnight, Ten-day, Weekly, Daily - 5day week, Daily - 7day week).
- Supportfor high-frequency (intraday) data, allowing for hours, minutes, and seconds frequencies. In addition, there are a number of less commonly encountered regular frequencies, including Multi-year, Bimonthly, Fortnight, Ten-Day, and Daily with an arbitrary range of days of the week.
- Specialized time series functions and operators: lags, differences, log-differences, moving averages, etc.
- Frequency conversion: various high-to-low and low-to-high.
- Exponential smoothing:single, double, Holt-Winters, and ETS smoothing.
- Hodrick-Prescott filtering.
- Band-pass (frequency) filtering: Baxter-King, Christiano-Fitzgerald fixed length and full sample asymmetric filters.
- Seasonal adjustment: Census X-13, X-12-ARIMA, Tramo/Seats, moving average.
- Interpolationto fill in missing values within a series: Linear, Log-Linear, Catmull-Rom Spline, Cardinal Spline.
- Statistics
- Tests of equality: t-tests, ANOVA (balanced and unbalanced, withor without heteroskedastic variances.), Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney, Median Chi-square, Kruskal-Wallis, van der Waerden, F-test, Siegel-Tukey, Bartlett, Levene, Brown-Forsythe.
- One-way tabulation; cross-tabulation with measures of association (Phi Coefficient, Cramer’s V, Contingency Coefficient)and independence testing (Pearson Chi-Square, Likelihood Ratio G^2).
- Covarianceand correlation analysis including Pearson, Spearman rank-order, Kendall’s tau-a and tau-b and partial analysis.
- Principal components analysis including scree plots, biplots and loading plots, and weighted component score calculations.
- Factor analysis allowing computation of measures of association (including covariance and correlation), uniqueness estimates, factor loading estimates and factor scores, as well as performing estimation diagnostics and factor rotation using one of over 30 different orthogonal and oblique methods.
- Empirical Distribution Function(EDF) Tests for the Normal, Exponential, Extreme value, Logistic, Chi-square, Weibull, or Gamma distributions (Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Lilliefors, Cramer-von Mises, Anderson-Darling, Watson).
- Histograms, Frequency Polygons, Edge Frequency Polygons, Average Shifted Histograms, CDF-survivor-quantile, Quantile-Quantile, kernel density, fitted theoretical distributions, boxplots.
- Scatterplotswith parametric and non-parametric regression lines (LOWESS, local polynomial), kernel regression (Nadaraya-Watson, local linear, local polynomial)., or confidence ellipses.
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Download EViews 8.1 Enterprise EditionFull Version Download and Install Instructions :
- Download the EViews 8.1 Enterprise Edition Installer
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EViews 8.1 Enterprise Edition 311.5 mb IHS Inc., the leading global source of information and analytics, has released EViews 8.1, an updated, more powerful version of its popular easy-to-learn, user-friendly Windows-based interface that enables quick and efficient development of statistical and forecasting models and simulations.