Nanoscope Afm Manual

A novel synthesis of forest like BiFeO3 ...

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A Veeco (formerly Digital Instruments) Nanoscope III was installed in September 2005.

This instrument is capable of tapping and contact-mode atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), magnetic force microscopy, and force-modulation microscopy.

In addition, it has a multimode heater and cooler for in-situ studies.

A Novel Synthesis Of Forest Like BiFeO3 ...

Instrument Specifications

Nanoscope Afm Manual Download

Scanner Range (XxYxZ)

  • E - 10μm x 10μm x 2.5μm
  • J - 125μm x 125μm x 5.0μm


  • Contact atomic force microscopy
  • Tapping mode atomic force microscopy
  • Mapping tapping mode (phase imaging)
  • Magnetic force microscopy
  • Force modulation
  • Lateral force microscopy
  • Scanning tunneling microscopy
  • Lithography (nanoindentation and nanoscratching)


  • <0.3Å RMS in vertical (Z) dimension w/ vibration isolation

Sample Size

  • 15mm diameter; 5mm thick


  • Multimode heater/cooler
    (-35°C to 250°C)

Vibrational and Acoustic Isolation

  • Vibration isolation platform